PC/104总线模拟量输出模块 Analog Outputs on PC/104系列产品
104-DA12-8A 产品技术规格
PC Interface

● PC/104-Based

Analog Outputs

● 8 Channels

● 50K Conversions per Second throughput, all channels simultaneously (Aggregate throughput of 400K conversions per second)

● 12-Bit Resolution

● 4 jumper selected output ranges per channel, 0-5V 0-10V ±5V ±10V

● Eight corresponding 4-20mA current sink outputs (external 8 to 36VDC excitation required)

● ±2 counts DAC Relative Accuracy (typical)

● 10µS DAC Settling Time (typical, to 3/4 scale)

● ±0.4% of Full Scale DAC Offset Error

● ±0.1% of Full Scale DAC Gain Error (typical)

● Drive Capability of 5mA per channel, Outputs are Short-Circuit Protected

● 30mA cumulative total drive from all DACs

● 4.096V Voltage Reference


● Type 82C54

● 3 x 16-Bit Down-Counters

● Counter 0 is an IRQ source (clock-tick interrupt) and frequency source (counter 0 output is available at P2 connector pin4)

● Counters 1&2 are chained (32-bit resolution) and dedicated as the ARB clock (an interrupt is available based on the DAC update from the ARB)

● 2MHz Input Clock Frequency


● +5V @ 210mA Power Consumption (typical, no load on the outputs)

● On-board DC/DC Converter allows operation on +5V Power

● Interrupt requests may be generated on channels 3-7 10-12 and 14-15

● Environment Tolerance: 0-70°C, 5% to 95% Humidity (non-condensing)(-40° to +85°C available with special order)

Regulatory Compliance

● This product is designed to be in full compliance with CE requirements.



Copyright © Beijing Vertextron Technology Co., Ltd

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